A very good film, with a very important message.
4 January 2006
Criticism of this film ready does amuse me, firstly I'd like to say a big thank you to Ridley Scott for pointing out especially to our heavily brainwashed American and Jewish counterparts of the sheer stupidity and pointlessness of the crusades and indeed the sheer stupidity and pointlessness of the ongoing disputes in the so called holy land.

Basically I love this film solely because it makes the wonderful point of that what is the holy land???.........basically a giant sand pit where over the last 2000 years and indeed beyond narrow minded fools have thought over their bigoted religious ideologies, believing blindly in what their greedy religious leaders tell them. It also makes the point that we Christians are indeed what I can only describe as bast***s declaring war throughout history in the name of god to gain land which doesn't belong to us so we can exploit the profits of that land for the sake of our own fat greedy self-indulgent populous. Am I taking about Iraq or the crusades here???? You decide my friends.

I am Christian but sadly am ashamed to be so, I pray ever day not in church not in a temple stained with the blood of ten thousand so call crusaders or pilgrims, but under an oak tree in my garden. For God created nature and indeed man and everything we see that isn't man made. Men created religion to control us and lie to men, I'm glad to say organised religion is somewhat laughed upon now in my country now days, not because I disagree with the moral messages it conveys but because I can't trust our so called leaders both spiritual and political.

But anyway to some up, to anyone who says in the usual crash o.t.t manner "This film sucks" I say you are wrong, this film is more than Gladiator or any other resent epic primarily because of its relevance not only now and but throughout history and I dare say sadly it's message will still be of relevance for many generations to come.
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