Review of Lorna Doone

Lorna Doone (2000 TV Movie)
Pitiful for a book that took the Victorians by storm
4 December 2005
This particular version of Lorna Doone begins on a grand and exciting historical scale and quickly spirals downward into an average star crossed lovers tale in which a pretty boy...who can't speak or act...for reasons not be known in the script... falls in love with a pretty girl...who can't speak or act. They meet by accident and then in secret without any of the intensity that such a love would usually entail. They smile at each other a lot and run around a spectacular Whales country side while epic music plays in the background. There are a few good battle scenes...some rather beautiful but astonishing costuming...some off the wall wonderful but inaccurate hair styles for men...think Samurai warrior meets Middle Earth...some great acting from a few minor characters and Peter Vaughan...who unfortunately...for the viewer...but happily for him...dies about half way into the story. This movie won awards for photography and visual effects which is the reason I wanted to see it but the script lacked grit and believability. Not up to the usual BBC standards...did they collaborate with Touchstone or something?
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