Review of Sideways

Sideways (2004)
Funny, Absurd Melancholy
30 November 2005
SIDEWAYS (4 outta 5 stars) Excellent character study, comedy/drama about two lifelong friends who go off on a weeklong wine-tasting trip/bachelor party. Jack (Thomas Haden Church) is the groom-to-be and he desperately wants to have one last affair before he settles down to marriage. His best friend Miles just wants to hang with his friend and drink some wine and forget about his own disastrous romantic life. Jack and Miles meet a couple of female wine aficionados and the four of them seem to hit it off. They proceed to spend a great deal of time together... keeping the girls in the dark about Jack's impending marriage. Miles begins to develop some real feelings for his date (Virginia Madsen), feelings he hasn't had since his divorce... but how are his lies going to affect his chances for a meaningful relationship? All four lead actors are outstanding. the dialogue is very original and very funny at times. There is also a pervading aura of melancholy... as amusing as it all sounds on paper, Jack and Miles are very sad individuals and they have a lot of growing up to do before the movie reaches its conclusion.
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