Space Precinct (1994–1995)
No wonder this show bombed!!
29 November 2005
I can definitely see how "Space Precinct" was such a commercial disaster when it first came out.

For starters, the quality of the special effects was not very consistent at all. On one hand, you've got fairly slick, up-to-the-minute digitally-aided effects, then you've got live action shots using models, which wouldn't look out of place on "Red Dwarf" (which is what this show reminded me a lot of) Another thing that really ruined the show were those cheap-looking sets.

Secondly, what the hell was the point behind that bloody pointless "episode introduction" It makes the programme look even more like a kiddies' show.

Another problem I had with "Space Precinct" was the rather unsuccessful way in which it was trying to appeal to both young and old viewers-for example, take the ham-fisted way in which more adult subjects were handled in the show (such as racism, religion, and other adult-themed issue) "Space Precinct" was a rather hit-and-miss affair that had so much more potential. Even "Thunderbirds" was far superior to this.

Don't give up your day job, Mr. Anderson.
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