Graphic violence remains shocking in a less than shocking film about CIA misdeeds
24 November 2005
This film is a recreation of the trouble the CIA has caused over the years around the world. Its done in a mondo style with recreations for most of the first hour before settling on the insanity on Central and South America.

I'm not what to think of this film. Certainly its graphic in its violence and tough to take as a catalog of violence. But this film aspires to be more than just being an exploitation film. It wants to be an anti American tract on the evils of the CIA. The problem is that the CIA's dirty laundry has been aired so many times in the last 30 years that the film's revelations are far from shocking. With the shock of the "laundry" gone we're left with just the plot of the freedom fighters in Central America, and the film falls rather flat. Its not bad, its just unremarkable and we're it not for the violence and torture there really wouldn't be any reason to see this. In an exploitive mood this film isn't bad, but I wish I could have seen this 30 years ago when its revelations and graphic violence would have rocked my world. Now its just sort of there.

If you're looking for an exploitation film with a little meat give it a try. Otherwise this is a film that can probably give this a pass.
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