Definitely the strongest!
12 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I won tickets to the pre screening last week, and I went to see it today and...

I have to say that Goblet of Fire is without a doubt the strongest Harry Potter movie to date. It had all of the emotion from the book from the fear, to the anger, to the sadness....the acting was brilliant.

Daniel Radcliffe I think did an amazing job once again as Harry. During the Yuleball, you believe how much he's yearning for Cho Chang and basically ignoring his date like crazy. Also at the end when Cedric dies and he uses the portkey to get back to Hogwarts, you totally believe that he's been through hell, and is almost out of his mind with grief trying to protect Cedric. I think he also plays off well being angry at your best friend, being afraid of being forced into a situation you don't WANT to be in, but doing what you can to survive it. Great job.

Rupert Gint once again in my opinion almost steals the show as Ron Weasley. From his awkward dance lessons with Professor McGonaggal, to his anger towards Hermione and Harry, he's just amazing. This guy is Definitely going to have a bright future in the film industry.

Emma Watson...I can't say enough about how great she was in this movie. Showing her care for Harry, and her budding feelings for Ron, while still being bossy old Hermione. It's just outstanding how well all three of them have grown as actors, and they bring their characters alive not just...being there if you know what I mean.

Gary Oldman for the few moments he was in the movie definitely set the tone for Goblet of Fire with his chilling warning to Harry about the Tri-Wizard tournament and whomever put his name in the Goblet of fire.

The guy who played Cedric Diggory (sorry can't remember his name) was outstanding. He did an amazing job, and he pulled off the part so well that when he does die, you have to shed tears for him, because he's such a likable character.

Draco Malfoy, although with less screen time is just as hateable as ever...you just want to take this kid by the ears and bash your head into his nose...but that's what comes from playing a great villain.

It is also VERY touching hearing Harry have his first and only conversation (although brief because of his duel with Voldemort) with his parents. It really makes you see just how much he's had to put up, and how much he's had to handle in his only 13 years of life.

And Ralph Finnese (sp?) was just amazing as Voldemort...I swear...this guy is just a phenom! He'd Definitely better continue playing The Dark Lord up until the final movie! I could go on and on and on picking out individual performances and I would be sitting here putting out a post longer than the pages of Goblet of Fire. The performances were great....however....

There were some things that got left out that was upsetting. The Dursley's for one (can't have Harry Potter without them), Molly Weasley (you can't cut out Harry's only true Mother figure), Dobby (it's not Neville that gives Harry the weed that allows him to breath underwater, it's the house elf. Dobby shows up helping Harry in the book, why not in the movie?), and finally....why don't they show Harry giving Fred and George his earnings for winning the tournament? They don't even MENTION the money reward, which is kind of upsetting. How are they going to explain where Fred and George get their money for their shop? Big plot hole right there, they'd better fix that! All in all, I gave the movie on IMDb.com a 9/10 because of those few problems. They were minor, and only a geek for the books like myself would notice such things. So...enjoy it when it comes out.
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