Review of The Grudge

The Grudge (2004)
One More Visit To Re-Make Hell...
9 November 2005
THE GRUDGE (2 outta 5 stars) Okay, maybe if I hadn't seen "The Ring", "The Eye", "A Tale of Two Sisters" or a zillion other similar Asian horror flicks I might have liked this one a little more. There are a few scary moments... but, for the most part, this movie is not gripping or compelling at all. We barely get a chance to care about the characters. Heck, Bill Pullman throws himself off a balcony in the first two minutes. A pity that Sarah Michelle Geller has to stick around for the full 90 minutes to show off her non-acting talent. Hey, I loved her as Buffy but some actors only have one good role in them. I fear that Ms. Gellar's talents have about run their course. None of the other actors are able to garner any audience empathy either. We know is that something bad is going to happen... over and over and over... but we don't really care about the people that it's happening to. I'm sure the original Japanese movie was much better than this. I should have known better than to try watching the inferior American remake first... even if it did have the same director. How is it that the WORST remakes are made by the original foreign directors themselves? (See also "The Vanishing"... the Dutch film, not the American.)
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