I disagree with the lot of you. This was good.
6 November 2005
It's cartoonish. I'll give you that. But what's wrong with that? Some of my favorite cartoons as a child (Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures) were also "cartoonish". But nobody's complaining about those cartoons because they didn't insult the intelligence of children, and in fact, intellectualized them somewhat.

So why all the negativity towards Chicken Little? I can understand the whole anti-Disney mindset going around. Let's face it, their more recent non-Pixar ventures were terrible. Brother Bear, Home on the Range, Valiant... All horrible movies driven by none other than the almighty dollar. No, friends. This was much different.

This was funny. It falls short of the Disney Masterpiece collection, but it is most definitely a move in the right direction. Maybe I find humor in a different way then most people, but most times I agree with the general consensus... and I found this funny. I could not stop laughing. We are a people who generally applaud tongue-in-cheek entertainment. Come on, people. The trailer didn't promise anything different.

Honestly, the only negative thing I can say about this film is that there's nothing in it that couldn't have been hand-drawn. And believe me, if this were hand-drawn, all the critics would have been in love with it.

I'm probably going to get a major backlash from many of you for saying this, but I'm going to anyway. I have seen every animated feature to be released this year (with the exception of the Heffalump Movie), and I have to say this was the best one. Yes, I enjoyed it more than Corpse Bride. I also enjoyed it more than Wallace & Gromit.

So say what you will here. I'm sure you all have a lot of pent up rage over the last few Disney films, and I'm not gonna blame you. But get all that out of your system first, and THEN go see this movie. This is their quasi-triumphant redemption. This is the first good non-Pixar Disney animated feature since Lilo & Stitch.

How's my commenting? E-mail me. xxthesmittyxx@aim.com
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