The Willies (1990 Video)
You can basically take or leave this one
4 November 2005
I was about 20 when I first saw this, and I recently hunted down an old used rental VHS online because I wanted to see it again. Out of the short skits at the beginning I especially enjoy the old man's performance in the one about the "Haunted Mansion" ride, though the skit itself is rather lackluster. And something about the poodle skit bothers me: the dog was wearing a collar with a metal tag, why didn't that react to the microwaves? Have *you* ever put something with even a tiny trace of metal in a microwave? It starts flashing and sparking and catching fire instantly and there's this awful smell...Yeah I know, I probably wasn't supposed to even think about that. Nevermind the fact that the dog was *dry* after the lady supposedly just gave it a bath.

As for the two main stories: I greatly dislike the Monster in the Bathroom. It *may* have made a decent short story if written right, but on screen it's just deplorable, in my opinion. All of the adult actors give a decent enough performance, but every single child in that skit couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. *Especially* the completely unlikable main character, which makes it even more sad. I did however enjoy the kids' nickname for Miss Titmarsh: "Miss Breastswamp," I believe it was.

However, I have a big soft spot for the Tale of Gordy Belcher. Now *that's* good stuff. Great storyline, and good acting all around (with the possible exception of that blonde girl at Gordy's school). Love the manure guy, and Gordy's dad is so real, with his harping on his son to stop being "weird". Watch the dinner scene, and see if you can relate. I definitely could.

The "bookend" storyline, with the three kids in the tent, was a big yawn-fest though (with the notable exception of the excellent Goonies reference.) I *do* recommend this film, though mostly for the Tale of Gordy Belcher.
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