Girl Hell 1999 (1999 Video)
Pretty Sick (But Unintelligible) Stuff...
16 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
GIRL HELL is a strange entry in the newer wave of Japanese super-extreme gore films. This is another one that has no English subtitles or dub, so I couldn't follow the story at all. There was some pretty weird stuff going on that didn't make much sense together, but I'm hoping that's because I didn't know what the hell anyone was saying. Anyway, I'll try to explain some of what I saw:

There are 2 guys in the beginning talking about something for a long while. A girl with a bandage on her wrist then goes to see some bag-lady lady who lives in a field and who lactates trying to "feed" her plastic baby-doll. Then we cut to a scene of some fat chick getting boned by an old guy. Bandage-wrist and the fat girl meet up and talk for a while, and then Bandage-wrist goes home, where she hears people boning in the other room. An old naked guy (not the same old guy from before - father perhaps?) comes out of the bedroom and says some stuff that I guess is mean to the girl. She then proceeds to bite herself on her bandaged arm until she starts to bleed. Old guy leaves and the girl goes to see who is in the other room. Turns out to be some chick who's all beat up and covered in gauze bandages. Bandage-wrist tries to clean the gauze-lady up some. Bandage wrist then goes back to hang out with Bag-lady. For some reason the girl sucks the bag-ladies titty til milk pours out. Bandage-wrist goes home and the old guy is banging Gauze-woman again. Bandage-wrist gets p!ssed and threatens him with a knife, but he doesn't seem to care too much, and she doesn't stab him. The 2 guys from the beginning go and beat the sh!t out of Bag-lady with a baseball bat and rape her. Some guy in a limo comes up to Bandage-wrist and they go for a ride together. While they take a ride, the 2 guys go to Bandage-wrist's house and hit Old-guy in the head with the bat. The 2 guys then proceed to humiliate and rape Gauze-woman in some pretty nasty DP action until she bleeds all over the place. Bandage-wrist goes home to find Old-guy and Gauze-lady dead. She passes out and ends up tied and gagged in limo guys car. Limo-guy pulls out some sort of catheter thing, sticks it in Bandage-wrist and starts drinking her p!ss. Bandage-wrist is dropped off, and the 2 guys find her and act like they are going to rape her. One of the 2 guys stabs the other guy with a screwdriver for no apparent reason, and Bandage-wrist gets up and walks away. Bandage wrist goes to see her friend Bag-lady, but since Bag-lady has recently been beaten and raped, she's not really in the mood for company. Bandage-wrist get's mad and knocks Bag-lady's head off with the baseball bat (which doesn't really make any sense because the 2 guys had the bat with them at Bandage-wrist's house - unless bag lady has her own bat laying around...). THE END...

I have never put this long of a synopsis in a review before, and the only reason I did this time is that this film made absolutely no sense to me so I don't know how to accurately describe it other than to explain exactly what happened in the film. It had some pretty entertaining gore and what-not, but I had no idea how any of these people were inter-related. If anyone has seen this and has any clue, please PM me, I would love to know what this film was about. Anyway, some very rough stuff in this one and it WILL NOT appeal to the general audience. I give it a 6 for now because it was kind of interesting, would possibly rate it higher (or lower, depending...) if I could have understood the story-line. Worth a look for the "extreme" film-fan 6/10
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