Review of Snow Devils

Snow Devils (1967)
Laughably bad
16 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can't decide what was the most egregiously foolish part of this piece of cinematic detritus from Italy. Is it the howlingly bad dialogue, the terrible special effects, the atrocious acting, god-awful dubbing, moronic script, pretentious music or silly costumes? Oh, why pick one when together they add up to monumental idiocy, truly a so bad it's good classic.

Here's the plot, such as it is. The arctic (which apparently is located around the Himalayas??!!) is heating up and threatening to flood the world. The weather station there has been destroyed by, get ready, Yetis! A helpful scientist explains that sometimes these creatures come down from their mountains and just go crazy-eights bonkers! Okay, so I'm paraphrasing here, but I can assure you the actual explanation is just as hilariously lame. Our intrepid hero and his buddy, along with a plucky female with really big hair and way too much eye makeup, go to investigate and discover that the yeti are, and I quote our hero here, "aliens from outer space"! Gasp! And they have a big machine that's heating up the ice so it melts and covers the planet and they'll refreeze it and then they can live on it because it's like their planet and yada yada yada...

Anyway, the baddies are kind enough to provide this exposition to our heroic party of badly dressed leads so that the heroes can thwart the diabolical plot a bit later. Why do the bad guys always do this in bad movies and t.v. rather than just kill the good guys? There follows a gun fight, with special effect laser guns that Buster Crabbe and company would have jeered at, and some of the hokiest death scenes ever captured on film. The heroes prevail, naturally, and now they have to deal with the results of the melting ice and flooding conditions.

Mystery Science Theatre would have had a ball with this garbage, and even without Joel, Mike and the bots, it's still pretty damn funny. Put your brain on hold, have a few drinks (trust me, it's better that way), kick back and enjoy Snow Devils!
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