Words fail to describe how pitifully bad this film is...
24 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This truly awful movie opens with about 10 minutes of boring stock footage of a motocross race as the main character, Max Havoc, takes pictures and that sets the tone of this ineptly made action/martial-arts film. I can't believe how bad this film was.

So after the stock footage motocross race we learn that Max Havoc is a sports photographer who use to be an ultimate fighter who killed a man in the ring. This traumatizing event is seen in flashback at least 17 times, over and over, in ultra-slow motion, over and over. It's almost as if the producer didn't have enough footage for a feature length film so he had the editor cut in stock footage scenes, reuse scenes, and use slow motion repeatedly to nauseating effect. The editing is so bad. For example, in one scene the characters walk into a clothing store and the scene cuts to the interior of a kitchen!?? In another a girl appears in a scene whose never been seen before and talks with Max Havoc referencing something that's never happened!??

Anyways, Max's photo editor sends him to Guam because he needs a vacation and of course in Guam Max gets involved with two stupid girls who've taken an ancient dragon statue (that looks like it came from the 99 cents store) from some Japanese mob, or something stupid like that. The mob members chase them around the island hotel (in slow motion) and everybody gets in lame-ass kung-fu fights.

David Caradine's character is in the film for all of about 2 minutes and it's never really made clear who he is or why he's there. He looks threatening and poses for the camera and that's about it.

Richard Roundtree plays Max's boxing coach who later turns up in Guam as an antique dealer!?? Carmen Electra is in the film for about 20 seconds and her sound was obviously dubbed in later. Her scene has a badly-dubbed Japan monster movie feel. Fat Joe is nowhere in the film...

One of the film's main sets is the hide-out of the Japanese mob and it's obviously just some hotel banquet room with some colored lights. The camera feels like it's got Parkinson's disease as it pans around without reason, looking for something, anything..

Even fans of Director Albert Pyun's "so bad, there good" style of crappy film- making will be sadly disappointed with this film. It's really bad, even for him.

Reading the newspaper-clipping posts on the MAX HAVOC: CURSE OF THE DRAGON IMDb bulletin board, I guess the film was caught up in a lot of controversy or some kinda money scam, well after watching the film, I believe it.
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