Not that bad... but...
23 September 2005
This is the last movie on the Campeones Justicieros trilogy and was shot entirely in Guatemala, in 1974, by a Guatemalan director, Rafael Lanuza. If you don't know it, this kind of movies are objects of cult in various countries and belong in their own genre: Luchadores (westlers). Filmed mainly in Mexico, in the 50's through 70's, this motion pictures feature legends of the ring like El Santo, Blue Demon, Mil Máscaras, Superzan and the likes. The movies are still so popular that they are constantly re-released in DVD format for a hungry public who never get enough of them. That was how I found this film, of which I didn't know anything.

Like its two prequels and others films of that era, El Triunfo is a complete exercise on absurdity. There are not a fixed plot nor theme and I am ready to call this a naive film. Of course, you shouldn't expect anything from a film like this. Just to be entertained. In other words, the film is bad, although within this peculiar genre is better than most. But everything, since the main idea, midget aliens trying to conquer the Earth, to the bad dialogues and acting, is below standards.

You'll see people with no background on them, scenes with no relation to anything and a constant lack of unity in the whole damn thing. It seems as if it was shot just to take advantage of the popularity of the genre back in the day but overall it fulfilled the premise of entertain whoever bold enough to watch it.

If you don't care about crazy and unrelated ideas, because there are not a plot, bad acting and lack of good effects, you might get away with it and even enjoy it. It features Blue Demon and that might be enough to endure it. Or not. Just don't be too harsh with it. Have in mind that people in Europe and the USA are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a copy of this and other movies. Maybe you are fortunate if you come across this film.
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