See at 2005 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)
17 September 2005
I saw this at the 2005 TIFF to a packed house.

This is the 3rd in a trilogy of revenge stories from CW Park. It was good, though, in my view, not as good as Old Boy. I didn't see the first of the trilogy.

I was, shall I say, somewhat disappointed with this. My expectations were, perhaps unrealistically high. But let me tell you what my biggest beef was and how you might avoid the same: REVENGE: Having seen Old Boy and experiencing such an intellectually devious revenge, I expected the same thing. I have to say, while the circumstances surrounding the revenge was interesting, it wasn't captivating. My advice -- go see this film, but don't think of it as a 'revenge film'. Don't think there's any link to Old Boy, because there isn't. It's definitely a different movie, and is just a story that has a revenge motif lurking beneath, but it's really not 'the key' to this movie. The key to the movie is about a woman who learns and takes action for being so gullible.

WHY SHOULD YOU SEE IT? Having presented the big downer, there still are still really good reasons to see this.

STYLE: I loved the style on this movie. There were great opening shots, very appropriate music and the visuals to the opening credits are really outstanding. The graphics with the credits actually play into the movie later on (at least for colour if not for some images). Very creative, very slick, with a couple great transitions between scenes.

STORY: This is a moving tale at an imprisoned woman looking to right previous wrongs. It's interesting to watch the pieces fall into place and holds together nicely.

Overall, this is a good movie with a few really good moments.
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