Black Robe (1991)
An amazing historical document
14 September 2005
It is rare that a film makes you feel that you are actually witnessing history (rather than the "Hollywood Version"), but "Black Robe" accomplishes that and more. What I love about this film (that I have watched over a dozen times and will watch many more times) is that it doesn't take a point-of-view regarding the European colonization of the New World and the native American culture. Both cultures are seen as slightly insane world-views that are, ironically, valid in their own way, yet futile at the end of the day.

It concentrates on one Jesuit priest and his journey to the New World. The film demonstrates how difficult his journey was and his passionate commitment to his faith. But it also shows how nutty these priests were to try to preach to the unconverted. It also presents several native American tribes (such as the Hurons and Mohawks) and how truly savage they could be.

This is one of the great films of recent (perhaps all) time. I am suspicious as to why it has been ignored. I think that future generations will find a lot to enjoy here--beyond the beautiful scenery, the accurate historical information and the love of the natural world that appears throughout this truly amazing film...
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