Was impressed with the movie.
7 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Got the video and watched it and realized I'd seen it before but it was a long time ago--or at least the beginning of it.

Anyway, I was impressed with watching it the second time. I thought David Janssen was excellent and made a really convincing cowboy/gunfighter/escaped POW from a Confederate prison. The plot was a good one. After escaping, he goes after the man who got him sent to prison in a round about way and then lynches the hombre (Lee J. Cobb) from a pole in town during the night. Jean Seberg, who does an excellent job also of the bereaved wife whose husband has been killed by Janssen, is after Janssen and has posted a bounty for him. She finally meets up with him, tries to kill him, and gets raped for her effort. But the ending will surprise you.

PS--I also loved the small bear. He was cute and if you don't like the movie for any other reason, you have got to love that bear...LOL Hope you enjoy Macho Callahan as much as I did.
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