7 September 2005
This film rocks! As a kid I was a huge Turtles fan and knew the script for this film like the back of my hand. Watching it back recently I was struck with nostalgia and also by the fact that this film really isn't that bad. It's no classic but it works well as good family entertainment. The Turtle characters are played well with Mikey and Don being particularly funny, although the way they made them seem like stoners is still baffling. Also, the bloke who plays Casey Jones is cool (Added Factoid, the same guy is also in Apt Pupil as the homeless guy who Dussander kills) Only niggle with this film is the woman who plays April. She grates towards the end, she is very irritating and plays April like a dumb, overly sassy woman. Grr!! anyway watch this film, leave your brain at the door and have a laugh. Cowbunga! Awesome
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