Undiscovered (2005)
Sadly, This film is undiscovered at the box office and there really isn't much about the film that needs to be discovered except Ashlee Simpson and Carrie Fisher.
4 September 2005
"Undiscovered" is the story about a group of people who move from New York to Los Angeles in order to jump start their careers. The movie focuses mainly on the lives of Luke Falcon (Steven Strait) who is struggling to become a singer/songwriter and Brier (Pell James) who wants to become an actress. "Undiscovered" shows the things people go through in order to make their dreams come through along with the hard aches of love and friendship.

I'm just going to cut to chase right away in this review, and say this movie has been done before and has been done better. This movie really does live up to its title because a. it's basically a movie about lives of people who are undiscovered and b. it's a movie that will surely be undiscovered not only in the theaters but on DVD as well. The movie on the whole is rather average and sadly that's about it. I mean like I said, this story has been done before and just when the film looks like it's going to move past it's average screenplay it just falls down and never makes it past that mark.

The movie reminds me of two things, the first thing it reminds me of is a really long music video and the second thing this film reminds me of is the TV show called "Making the Video." The movie on the whole is like a mix of the two and nothing really else. The movie kind of falls in the same category of movies like "Crossroads," "Honey," and "Glitter" however in this case this movie isn't as laughably bad as "Honey" or "Glitter" because the acting and dialog really isn't that bad but like I said just horribly average.

I have to give credit where credit is due and I must give Ashlee Simpson credit here. Now I know most of the United States for some odd reason hates Ashlee Simpson for whatever reason but I don't mind her. I think honestly she is the best thing to come out of this film because she was decent in it. And before anyone jumps the gun and says that I am just saying that because I am a fan that's a load of crap because I thought she was going to be awful in this movie from the get go and even laughed when I saw that she was in it. So that being said, I really do think she was the best thing in the movie and did much better here then her sister Jessica did in the god-awful "Dukes of Hazzard". Also the other good thing about this movie was Carrie Fisher who along with Ashlee made this film somewhat enjoyable. The rest of the people in the movie aren't bad actors and I don't think they should be left undiscovered but they just were so average in their roles but that could be because of the screenplay.

The director of this film Meiert Avis is best known for directing music videos for U2 and Bruce Springsteen and honestly I think he should stick to directing music videos because I didn't see much film work in this movie that I wouldn't see in music videos.

In closing, "Undiscovered" just doesn't have much to offer. If this was a made for TV movie it would be fine but the fact that people have to pay $5 -$10 to see this movie isn't going to go over well. While I didn't particularly enjoy much about the movie outside of Ashlee Simpson, Carrie Fisher, and the soundtrack, I didn't feel like I hated this movie when I walked out of the theater. It's just very average and very unoriginal but it still had a few moments and things about it that made it a little enjoyable. I wouldn't recommend anyone paying money to see this film in the theater at regular price but maybe a rental would be a decent choice. This movie isn't the worst thing you could watch, there are films far worse so if your in the video store a few months from now and you see "Undiscovered" sitting on the shelve pick it up and give it a shot.

MovieManMenzel's final rating for "Undiscovered" is a 4/10
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