Worst Film of the Decade
4 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing about how awful A Sound of Thunder was, I decided to see it in the theater just to have a good time and laugh at something horrible. I got what I was looking for.

-- Warning: Mild Spoilers Ahead -- One of the most laughable aspects of the movie was the excessive and quite possibly the worst green-screen use I've ever seen. Even for a movie that was supposed to be released in 2003, the special effects are ludicrous. Every scene that takes place outdoors in 2055 is green-screened in such a bad way that there's absolutely no way to cover it up. The cars look like they were designed by a 2 year old with a Lego set. The Allosaurus looks like it was pulled straight from a PlayStation 1 cut-scene movie, and the way it acts when things get screwy is hilarious. There is also no explanation of the solid water-like walkway, how in the hell the government would have ever passed a time travel device that could be so dangerous, how Dr. Lucas manages to avoid the plant that grabs his gun, how the buildings were destroyed, etc. Pop-corn flick all the way.

The only reason I have given this film a 2 instead of a 1 is because of the apelizards, and IMDb has a picture of one on the Photos page. Other than that, the creators of the movie give you one beastie for each area of earth: air, land, water, and plants. People die, of course, in a way that is pure Hollywood, and you'll understand what I mean if you see this piece of trash.

Overall, the movie was made to entertain, not to make you think. Yes, there is some easily forgettable dialog involving apparently deep scientific theories, but they only scratch the surface of interest, and they are quickly wrapped up and brushed away for "action" to keep the audience from thinking too much about the fact that time travel as we now know it is basically impossible. Throw in cheesy dialog, awful editing, gigantic plot holes, the worst CGI and green-screening in years, a hunk and some large-breasted women, futuristic Super Soakers, and you get the worst film of the decade.
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