...And Then She Was Gone (1991 TV Movie)
Robert Urich excels in Hitchcock-like thriller
13 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** After having a spat with his girlfriend Kate, Isabella Hofmann, over a trip that they planned to go on to Antigua computer whiz and software specialist Jack Bauer's, Robert Urich,bad luck continues to follow him when he can't get to his car, because it's locked up in a local garage,and takes the subway home. Watching a woman and her daughter on the train Jack, after they both exit the subway car, spots a poster for a missing four year-old child right in back of him and it's the little girl that he just saw.

Like in an Alfred Hitchcock thriller Jack Bauer becomes an innocent bystander who get's caught up with something that he at first doesn't understand and later almost costs him his life. Trying to report the missing girl to the Child Recovery Foundation, that issued the poster, Jack at first finds out that the girl Carla McKillin, Erica Dill,is no longer missing and when he goes to her mom's Laura, Megen Gallagher, apartment to return Cala's doll, that she dropped on the subway, he's attacked by the mother and her neighbors thinking that he kidnapped little Carla and was trying to get a ransom in return for her.

Jack at the police station, with Laura, gets in touch with the Child Recovery Foundation and is told that Carla is indeed still missing and that her name was somehow removed from their computer. At first hesitant but then working together with Laura Jack tracks down the woman who he saw with Carla on the subway Amanda Johnson, Christine Danford, at a local bar outside the sixth street station that she got off at with Carla. On dope and terrified of what she knew about not only Carla but scores of other young children, who disappeared over the years, the same way that little Carla did Amanda is later found dead in her hotel room from an overdose that her drug supplier forced on her. As Jack starts to check out, by computer, the movements of Amanda during the time that she had Carla with her he finds out that she was being treated for drug addiction at the local St. James Hosiptal. Amanda scrawled the name St. James on a mirror with lipstick as she was dying. Putting all the evidence together Jack soon realizes that Carla was the victim of a major child and baby selling racket that was using as a front the very agency that was supposed to track down and find missing children; non other then the Child Recovery Foundation.

Though guy Robert Urich really gets a worker-over in "And Then She Was Gone" as he gets belted and beaten, what a shiner he got early in the film, at least three different times in three different scenes as he's chased and then chases the kidnapper of Carla through the subway system and the airport on a plane headed for the UK. Tense stand off on the plane as Jack and Laura force themselves on trying to rescue little Carla from her kidnapper before the aircraft goes airborne. A bit overdone ending didn't take away any of the suspense and excitement from the rest of the film and the final scene was truly uplifting with Jack and Kate reunited and back together again after she came back home from her vacation, minus Jack, in Antigua. After all the dangers thrills and excitement that Jack went through in the movie there's nothing on the trip and vacation with Kate that he passed up, and almost destroyed their relationship,that could equal what he went through back at home.
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