Just Ask My Children (2001 TV Movie)
Very disturbing, but important story
25 July 2005
Unlike the person who wrote the only other review for this movie, I won't exploit this opportunity to express my anti-Republican/Conservative/religious views. Of course, that unfortunately is typical with some liberals. Some of them are always trying to shove their views down your throat, even when the subject has no connection to their politics. It makes me sad, because I'm a liberal, and I respect other people's rights to have their own beliefs. I actually follow the true meaning of the word "liberal." I'm open-minded, not close-minded like the man who wrote the other review.

In any event, this movie was very disturbing, yet important in it's message. It goes to show that, even in a "free" country, your freedom and rights can be abused and taken away in an instant. It really opens up your eyes, and hopefully makes those who watch it aware that small town "justice" can endanger anyone's life at a moment's notice. I can only hope that the kind of coercion that these little boys suffered is not happening over and over again in other places around the country. Like they said in the movie, those boys were abused, but not by their parents. They were abused by a judicial system that is corrupt and outdated, a system that allows criminal minds to go free all the time, and puts away innocent people for political gain. God help us.
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