Worth Watching
21 July 2005
This film is a remake of a famous play by W. Somerset Maugham called "The Sacred Flame". The original 1929 version is lost so there is nothing to compare this one to. The main characters are played by George Brent (who always looked fabulous in a dinner jacket) and Colin Clive as brothers in love with the same woman, Josephine Hutchinson . Colin Clive plays an amateur aviator (who lives on a beautiful estate with his mother) , marries a lovely woman (Ms. Hutchinson) and then has a tragic accident which leaves him with spinal damage and no hope of recovery. Enter George Brent (as Clive's brother) and as they say, the plot thickens.But the real reason to watch this movie is the incredible supporting cast. There is C. Aubrey Smith (who is always the consummate British gentleman) and Leo G. Carrol ( who lent class to any film and had impeccable diction) and an early Peggy Wood before she became everyone's favorite MAMA. If you love the 1930's films with their soap opera plots, great sets and WONDERFUL woman's costume by top designers (in this case Orry Kelly) then by all means watch this movie. Not on VHS or DVD but there is always TCM (thank heavens).
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