Makes you question your sanity
8 July 2005
I waited a long time to see this movie, I had known of it's existence and as a lover of bad cinema I knew I just had to see it, and wouldn't you know it lived up to the hype. It sucks AND blows! A sinister, middle-aged dominatrix is running a secret crime-fighting organisation consisting solely of airhead young girls with pert breasts, cut-off tops and skintight trousers. With this crack team of undercover go-go dancers she does what she can to foil the evil schemes of an idiot criminal mastermind who appears to look and dress like a Mexican wrestler from another film entirely. True to comedy form he has on his payroll a mad scientist who looks like Dr Forrester from Mystery Science Theater, a barely intelligible Igor-like sidekick and a couple of clumsy hired goons whom small children can outwit. Hilarity ensues as our heroes make a terrible film with laughable dialogue, sets and action.

What can you say about a movie that steals many of it's effects and central characters directly from the footage of other bad movies? Lame doesn't cover it, atrocious doesn't come close to describing it, and frankly I think the guy that made this probably transitioned into porn sometime soon afterwards given the way he uses nubile females in this masterpiece of schlock. It leaves me feeling dirty, and by God I think I am. I enjoyed it as I enjoy many bad movies, because it's so downright terrible it makes you laugh out loud at how idiotic some people can be. It also makes you appreciate true cinema all the more, and for that I applaud this awful piece of celluloid. Watch it, it sucks.
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