breath taking
30 June 2005
every once in a while in life you get the chance to glance at real greatness. last night i had just such an opportunity. in came in the form of a great movie. i discovered this film almost by accident as i was paging through the monthly programming guide of my local art house theater, when i stumbled upon one of the oddest titles i had ever seen. the title of course was 'searching for the wrong-eyed Jesus.' the title enough seemed like a good reason to see this film, but as i read the short synopsis, i became way more interested in seeing it. so the next day i called a good buddy and we headed downtown.

needless to say this was more then worth the trip through the torrential downpour we had to fight. the film is a documentary that follows a singer named Jim white as he travels through America's south in an attempt to discover the beauty that is so often overlooked. he accomplishes this task through an assortment of visits to Churches, prisons, barber shops, and roadside bars. he uncovers a small treasure of musical genius as he makes his way across Alabama, and Mississippi. he also reveals an inspiring, if a times disturbing faith that is held tightly by a people so close to complete physical, and emotional devastation that it makes you wonder why they bother at all. it was eye opening to see a world geographically not that far from the one i grew up in, yet ideologically, and sociologically as far as another planet. a world where poverty is so expected and anticipated, that faith in God is mandatory, if only because there is nothing else to have faith in.

the cinematography was also unlike anything else i had ever seen. from the first fade into the opening scene i could tell this was going to be something special, and i was right. when it was over i found myself disappointed that it couldn't go on longer for the same reason one is implored to keep staring a breathtaking painting, an amazing photograph, or a beautiful woman.

i would encourage everyone to see a movie like this if only to broaden your aesthetic palette. but be warned, too many films like this, and every other movie you see just won't stack up.
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