Love Letter (1995)
This is an excellent choice if you love a dramatically beautiful storyline.
27 June 2005
This is one of the best movies that I've ever seen!! In the beginning the story moves a bit slowly and the two characters that Nakayama plays confused me a bit, but it really started to pick up my interest when the "high school days" part started. From there begins an emotional ride of reminiscence and camaraderie. It was truly beautiful...

When the most famous scene of the movie played (we all know what that one is ^^), I was in tears!! The ending, the climax, was also tear-jerking in a much more subtle way. Maybe I just love crying during dramatic movies... But if you're like me in that way, then you will LOVE this movie.

-Note: It's not available in the US; I picked it up in Thailand on VCD. The weird thing is that I only chose the title because of the cover, and it turned out to be one of my favorite movies!!-
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