weakest of the series, but not as poor as I remembered
21 June 2005
I admit, without shame, that I'm a big fan of the first three Subspecies films. They're tacky, exploitative, silly movies, but somehow they transcend these typical limitations of straight-to-video horror. Writer-director Ted Nicolau elevates the material with some thoughtful dialogue and characterization, and he uses Romanian locations and folklore to create a truly unique and compelling universe for his vampire films.

That said, he trips up a bit with Subspecies 4. Whereas Nicolau's previous vampire films had a rather polished look, considering the budgetary restrictions he labored under, this movie is crass-looking all the way, right from the silly montage-o-clips opening credits. The lighting, SFX, and set design are a noticeable step down from previous Subspecies films, and a huge step down from Nicolau's exceptionally slick-looking effort "Vampire Journals." I can only assume that Full Moon, or one of its descendant companies, was pretty low on cash when it came time to make this final entry in the series.

The film has plenty of problems that have nothing to do with the scarcity of cash, though. Our heroine, Michelle, is sidelined for too much of the story, leaving the campy Dr. Blood and his comely companion to carry the movie. These new heroes simply aren't charismatic enough to replace Michelle or her buddies from Subspecies 2 and 3. Even the mighty Radu has a diminished role, as he spends much of his time slinking about in a death robe and looking really old. On the whole, the movie simply lacks verve - the characters are static, and so is the action. And the actors have visibly aged, despite being immortal members of the undead realm! How depressing.

I do enjoy the middle of the film, though. Things pick up when Ashe begins to conspire against Radu, and Michelle's surprise rescue of her master is great stuff. But it collapses again at the end, when Radu is slain too abruptly and too easily. I think it would be more interesting if Michelle actually became his ally at last; if she's not going to be the hero anymore, she might as well be another villain.

Still, this is a cut above the norm for the genre. It's perhaps just too depressing for me; a lot of nice characters are killed off right away, and Michelle descends into complete vampire savagery. "Dark" is the operative word here - also "cheap." And "anticlimax." It's a shame they never got around to making Subspecies 5, which I believe was intended to be a period piece about Radu's origin.
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