LBT's first ichtyosaurus appears!
19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Mo is such a colorful(figuratively and literally) character. He portrays real dolphin mischief and brains. (SPOILER) The major event is a rainstorm creates a large lake leading into the big water of part 5. Littlefoot is angry when his friends can't play, so he embarks into the new water. He meets Mo and he soon makes friends with the rest of the gang. They see a swimming sharptooth(Liopleurodon or Kronosaurus). Then, an earthquake splits the land and separates the gang from their parents. They go with Mo to the big water but are constantly tailed by their aquatic antagonist. Mo baits the monster away from them but ends up stuck in a log, which he shakes free from. He and the dinos meet again and Mo shows Littlefoot around the sea. Mo's water kin helps them find a way home(SPOILERS END). The two great songs are Part 5's Big Water and Donny Osmond's No One Has To Be Alone. The most fearsome villain yet!
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