Review of Millions

Millions (2004)
Feelgood factor 9 Mr. Sulu
17 June 2005
There are no big surprises in this movie. No deep secrets or brain-mashing twists. It's a straightforward tale of a kid who gets an unexpected windfall of cash, which he thinks is from God. Oh, I forgot to mention that this boy also has regular conversations with saints from throughout history. The usual money trouble ensues; the kind of trouble that comes from having too much money rather than too little. The child's brother wants to spend it all and use it to win friends and influence people whereas the child himself merely wishes to give to the poor and do good with it. There are many humorous moments and all the cast fit well in their roles and turn in good performances. There are some good shots with good use of primary colours which reflect the power and beauty of the innocence of childhood. Towards the finish it does lose the plot slightly with some character's behaviours awkwardly stepping out of sync with what had gone before, especially in the case of the father and the very last scene feels somewhat forced and a little twee and empty. I can't help but feel that they could have done something more with the 'launch sequence' (don't want to say any more in order to avoid spoiling something). Sometimes it's all nearly too sickly sweet but one can't help but feel good watching this movie. It's a light-hearted drop of fresh water in the ocean of cinema and there's nothing like a bit of freshness every once in a while.
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