Crash (I) (2004)
7 June 2005
Wow, what else can be said. This movie is sheer power not only in language but visuals. Picture life and the world we live in, most people live their lives through their own lives. Thinking their story is the movie being played out. But in fact this movies breaks down that barrier and shoots the the story from so many angles and fills in the wholes with imagery. In a perfect world I am sure we would not look at each other with different views and opinions, but we do not live in a perfect world.

The cuts of racism run deep in our culture and our lives that we automatically assume. The movie was a movie where people are shown the lives of so many people and their views and practically overnight it is radically changed.

"You think you know who you are. You have no idea." This is the perfect tagline in the movie, and the perfect phrase coming from Matt Dillon.

When we are first introduced to these people we can only see first impressions. But, who they think they are is not truly who they are. This movie speaks wonderful messages and it was shot beautifully.

Paul Haggis did a wonderful job. The cast was also wonderful, and believable in being real people. I say this because people like Don Cheadle take the role and give it to the audience in a way that they would understand it. They would accept and see the social implications it brings within their own life.

The transitions in the movie from beginning to the end gave the movie itself a real credible front. The art of storytelling went beyond telling a story but delved deep into the audiences soul prodding forth some sort of emotional understand of the deep message.

Evil is not always evil, and good and not always good. sometimes it is hard to tell which is which. Or even prove that either really exist.

I hope everyone takes the time to watch this movie but take it for what it truly is. Not entertainment, but a factual and honest take of modern day attitudes and ignorance about racism and stereotypes.
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