This is a real "Pulp Indie"
6 June 2005
Night at the Golden Eagle is a gritty film, yet gritty isn't half the word to describe it. Even though films such as Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, The Usual Suspects and even the mediocre Way of the Gun have all been praised for their gritty atmosphere, Night at the Golden Eagle blows them all away with a gritty atmosphere that perfectly replicates the locations depicted in great novels from pulp legends such as Mickey Spillane and Dashiell Hammett. Night at the Golden Eagle is pure pulp, with an emphasis of illustrating the means streets and back alleys themselves rather than the story of the two old ex-convicts and the other people in between. The result is a fantastic movie, that utterly shows what life in a slum is like and the lives it creates for the poor people that cross upon its path.

However, viewers seeing this movie should not look for story, because it is non-existent or weak at best. The story of the two-old ex-cons is never really developed and leaves the audience somewhat confused since the director wants to be "Tarantino-like" and ambitious and switches between three sets of characters. While the story of the whores, both old and young, is a nice interlude, the emphasis on the two old black men is rather pointless. It is nice the director decided to show the laziness of some people, yet a good chunk of the movie is just dedicated to the old man watching TV, which deprives the audience of further understanding the more important characters such as the whores and ex-cons.

Yet despite this strange blunder by the director/writer with the story, the acting is great. The two men do a great job at their parts, giving great and quite believable performances as the two ex-cons, with both giving great mixtures of cynicism and paranoia in their dialog. Their acting is truly enjoyable, and makes the audience only yearn for more. The young girl does an admirable job as the young whore, for she constantly is the only reminder of innocence throughout all the chaos and sleaziness of the hotel. Hence, her performance sticks out greatly and is a sleeper performance that deserves some recognition, but probably won't because of the serious holes in the plot.

It's a shame this movie isn't more recognized because it is a fantastic film with a fantastic atmosphere that literally puts the settings in Tarantino and Guy Ritchie flicks to shame. While movies these days tend to be more glamorous and over the top, this movie is the epitome of an indie film, breaking the rules in all sorts of ways in order to depict an environment that only great pulp authors dream about. The story is disappointing, yet after watching the film, the audience really doesn't care about the film. The only thing stuck in their minds is the maniacal characters, the sleazy hotel and its dirty surroundings. This is truly a masterpiece "pulp indie" film that should be seen by any kind of "crime fiction" lover, and shows audiences there is more to "pulp" than a few guns, broads and some "Tarantino-esque" dialog. Not to say that I don't love the man, but a little variety is necessary, and this film fits the bill perfectly.

My analysis: If you consider yourself a fan of the "Pulp" genre, see this or you're truly a "pulp" poser.
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