The Unknown (2005)
A fun movie, without being too gory.
29 May 2005
In this horror/thriller there are elements of the movie that go deeper than the usual low budget genre. The movie has a sense of humor about itself, but it also tries to make the age old connection of man versus nature. The kids were great actors and the country boys were all very funny. My friends and I had a good time watching this one. Elements of Blair Witch were used, but in a smart way, without taking the outright approach. One of the best actors in the film was the mayor, especially during the scene where he is eating a Twinkie and talking to the sheriff. The editor used certain cuts that were unique between scenes, which had a freshness to it. I also like the fact that the director chose to not over-show the monster too much. Many "monster" movies have been ruined by this. Rent this one as soon as it's available.
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