Good and old fashioned
9 May 2005
If you can leave reality at the door, you're going to enjoy LULLABY OF Broadway. Doris returns from Europe hoping to surprise her mother who she thinks is a big Broadway star. She actually has fallen on bad times and is singing in a dive the the Village. When Doris arrives to her mothers supposedly grand home, the staff covers and says her mother is on tour. Instead of fretting, why doesn't she just ask what show and what city she is in? Then, of course, there would be no plot which is almost plot less anyway. Another "leave reality at the door" is when Gene Nelson at a gala says to Doris, "Hey, let's do that number we've been rehearsing" Then is seconds the full chorus and costumes and scenery appear!!! What?? Aside from that I really enjoyed this movie. Great numbers and wonderful acting by all. Too bad the story wasn't as good as the other aspects. This is part of the Doris Day collection and is certainly worth a look, implausible as it is. But then aren't all musicals?
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