Review of Seed of Chucky

Stuff for fans
2 May 2005
Give it up, if you didn't like Chucky before, you are absolutely going to hate Seed of Chucky. I read many negative reviews prior to watching this movie and was quite ready for a major disappointment. However, it did not happen. In my opinion, the movie is the crown of the entire series, an ode to Chucky, the star of popular culture. Look how he refuses to become human ...superb! For a lover of camp, gory flicks, horror and parody, there are so many delightful moments in the movie. However, it is not horror as such,nor any other particular genre for that matter. Chucky is not even the main star of the movie! I have already declared myself as a fan, and maybe my view is not entirely unbiased. Still, here are some things I particularly enjoyed:

1. The appearance of John Waters as an actor. Need I say more? Big +

2. Glen/Glenda who speaks with British accent, resembles David Bowie from his Ziggy Stardust phase and has sexual/personality identity issues. How cool is that? Big +

3. Very clear references, notably to Psycho, Shining, Rosemary's Baby (and some other movies by Mr. Polanski, but more in the form of allusions), and even Pinnochio. I am sure there are many more. Big +

4. Jennifer Tilly, one of the sexiest, most sensual, intelligent actresses I have ever seen. Ideal for all sorts of subversive films. Of course, she is wonderful in this one too. Mmm... Jennifer I love you. There, I have said it. Big +

5. Directing, music,setting, costumes. Yes, I liked them all... Thank you people, well done.

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