Review of Final Voyage

Final Voyage (1999)
if only Shelley Winters was in this too.
19 April 2005
It is clear this mega howler is a result of the TITANIC juggernaut...if i can actually say that and have it double make sense.... FINAL VOYAGE is surely the unintentional SINKING HIGH (like Flying High) of oceanliner disasters. Yes, a remake of JUGGERNAUT with LAST VOYAGE and BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE stapled on and a TITANIC is in rusty tub terms the equivalent of Behind THE DOOR as a rip off of THE EXORCIST . FINAL VOYAGE must be the full scale cringe on the resume for both Dylan Walsh and (the ridiculously named) Ice T. For this he should be billed Ice Berg...but that sounds like a Jewish Eskmo rather than a black man. Yes FINAL VOYAGE is the last genuine guilty movie pleasure of the 20th century and I advise you all to include it in your treasured library of all star stinkers and howlers....or should I say sinkers and bowel-ers. FINAL VOYAGE is fantastic it is so awful.
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