Briging home the bacon
18 April 2005
Over the threat of his slaughterhouse being closed down, Lester chooses to send his boy, Buddy (Joe Barton), out to kill anyone that tries to take, or trespasses on, what's his. If you like 80's slashers, you'll like this one. If it's not your thing, skip it One thing this film is sadly missing is female nudity. A slasher film with no nudity is like a Leonardo Dicaprio film with no gay fan base, unnatural somehow. Plus the ending is too abrupt. Furthermore, I don't know why people are complaining about the slaughterhouse footage in the beginning, it didn't repulse me, just made me hungry.

My Grade: C+

DVD Extras: Commentary Track; 5 Deleted Scenes; Making of; Executive Producer Interview; home video of Joe Barton and Director/writer Rick Roessler going to various cities to hype the film; Theatrical Trailer; Teaser; a smoking PSA; and 4 TV spots

DVD-Rom: Sketches and clippings; the film budget documents; the Theatrical Distribution agreement; Stills Gallery, and the entire script all in PDF form
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