An epoch-making movie.
14 April 2005

I went to see this movie in Columbus, OH with my good friend, Ankur who is a huge Sallu-fan, with a boat-load of expectations. So did the film match up to our expectations ?

Yes & No... mostly yes.. Read on..

The movie is definitely a ground-making event in Indian cinema. Check out the breath-taking locales, the gasp-inducing grand palaces, the beautiful costumes, the heart rending scene with the poisoned Sneha & a distraught Salman, the jam-packed Soviet-era steam engine train shot, hell even the graveyard looks stunning in this movie!

The visuals are just fantastic, the music is super-cool, Sneha looks good and finally Salman looks dapper & acts great too .

The movie only reaffirms the superstar status of Salman. He has taken a risk with this movie by playing his age but it pays & how!

Your heart will follow Lucky through the tumultuous times she goes through in the movie. The Sun Zara song with its melodious music in the background and the haunting visual of a funeral procession scene has left a permanent imprint in my memory.

Both me & Ankur agreed that a strong climax, maybe with apna Sallu giving up his life saving his much younger love, would have raised the movie to a whole new level and probably given it cult status like Tere Naam.

Sneha is better than Ash in many areas, given a chance she can out-do Ash at acting. Thumbs up to Sallu for discovering such an enormous talent for Bollywood.

The only sorry points in this otherwise great movie are Mithun-da & the weak climax.

Still Definitely worth watching a couple of times.

Go for it guys!

Highly Recommended **********
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