"She's On Her Deal, Y'Know?"
2 April 2005
WAKING UP IN RENO (3 outta 5 stars) Dubbed by the filmmakers as "a redneck 'Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice'", this is an enjoyable little movie... very funny at times but also treating its characters as real people with real emotions. Billy Bob Thornton is Lonnie Earl, a used car salesman married to Darlene (Natasha Richardson) but who has had a recent fling with her best friend Candy (Charlize Theron). Candy's husband Roy (Patrick Swayze) is desperately trying to get his wife pregnant but suspects his sperm may not be working. While on a vacation in Reno to renew their wedding vows, the foursome's relationship comes to a head when Roy's non-existent sperm count is confirmed the same day as his wife's pregnancy and everyone notices Lonnie Earl's shifty eyes upon hearing the news. While amusing and likable, the movie isn't quite as good as it could have been... and it often seems to be setting up future situations (like a suddenly-ignored attraction between Roy and Darlene) that never come to fruition. (I was expecting much hilarity from a scene of Lonnie Earl's attempt at eating a 72 ounce steak in one hour... but the scene winds up being mostly uneventful.) The actors do a great job though... particularly Thornton, whose skill at blurting out totally insensitive and inappropriate lines is unsurpassed, i.e. "She's on her deal, y'know?" And I will take any excuse to see the lovely Mrs. Liam Neeson (Natasha Richardson) on screen!
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