MIGHT scare kids
1 April 2005
Boring, obvious "horror" film about 2 idiots who go to search for the title creature. Obviously this is just another ripoff of the legend of Bigfoot.

I saw this back in 1976 at a local theatre when I was 14. I went because the local paper gave it a positive write up. I also dragged along my 9 year old brother and his friends. Basically they LOVED it. They said it was scary and "cool". I did not agree at all. I was bored and extremely angry--I expected them to SHOW the creature but (except for one half-way clear shot) they don't. You hear it's roar and you might see a hand or a foot but that's about it. In retrospect this was probably a good idea--the unseen is much more scary than what we CAN see. But when you're a young kid you could care less about subtlety--you want to SEE the monster.

This movie came (and went) without a trace. It hasn't popped up on VHS or DVD yet (and hopefully won't). I give it a 4 because it IS an OK monster movie for kids--YOUNG kids. All others--stay away.
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