Not bad...not great. But good to see a Tobe Hooper film that doesn't suck!
23 March 2005
This is a fun little movie...yeah it has some plot holes in the forms of things that are never fully explained, but overall, it's one of the more decent slashers I've seen in a long while. It's also good to see Hooper back from what, a 25 year drought of crappy movies? Toolbox has a lot of quirky characters...none of which are truly engaging and thus, none of which you will care for, but characters that I bet truly reflect what you'd find in a low rent Hollywood rat hole like the Lusman Arms. Still, it brings plenty of lambs to the slaughter, with an excellent electric drill and wire cutter deaths, among several others.

I won't spoil it for you, but it's pretty confusing towards the end as it delves into the occult, and kinda explains the motivations of the killer, but never explains what the killer is. That's all I'll say, but all in all, the twist at the end, despite a bit confusing, is pretty cool if you think about it.

Just some more depth in the characters would have been appreciated. Overall, a solid horror flick.

8/10 stars.
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