excellent ending to the series
12 March 2005
Keitarou leaves again with Seta for another archaeological dig. This time, we don't join him on this adventure. (Don't worry, we'll see Keitarou again later). Instead, we begin with the drama back at Hina household. We're introduced to a mysterious new girl with a pet cat that flies and talks. Who is this new girl, and why is she causing so much trouble? The drama also continues with poor Naru. Is she ready to confess her TRUE feelings? All shall be revealed in "Love Hina Again."

This movie was my favorite of the series and 2 Love Hina specials. There's great character development and plot twists. Also, if you found the series risqué, wait until you see "Again." There's even more brief nudity and sexual innuendos.

overall: an excellent ending to the series 9/10

recommend if: *you're a fan of the Love Hina series *you love anime/animation

avoid if: *you haven't seen the series and the 2 specials (refrences are made to both) *you're offended by animated nudity *you're offended by sexual innuendos.
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