Review of Be Cool

Be Cool (2005)
Good, but a little short of "Get Shorty"
11 March 2005
"Get Shorty" was a great movie. It was very clever, well-acted (except for Gandolfini's bogus southern accent), and very, very entertaining.

"Be Cool" was pretty much the same, but was so much like "Get Shorty" in its formula that there were no surprises, so it was a bit disappointing.

Travolta, as Chili Palmer, was just as cool as in "Get Shorty", but was totally predictable, so not as entertaining.

The only character I am still laughing about is The Rock's portrayal of Elliot Wilhelm, a gay bodyguard who isn't particularly good at anything. There is one scene where he auditions for role in a movie for Travolta that is priceless.

And Vince Vaughn is at his usual quirky, over-the-top self as a white guy who acts like a black guy and just can't get anything right.

I don't feel like my $7.50 was wasted, but if your choice is see "Be Cool" at the movies or rent "Get Shorty" (if you haven't seen it), rent "Get Shorty". Then rent "Be Cool" when the DVD drops.
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