Chicago Cab (1997)
10 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by admitting that I am biased in the sense that I am a Pearl Jam fanatic. The songs are what drove me to watch this film, but like Big Fish, I wound up LOVING the movie itself. This movie is truly a hidden gem. I compare this movie to Eternal Sunshine... this movie is centered on only a couple things: simple, yet close plot and character. Paul Dillon blew me away in this movie, and it's rather awkward that he isn't in more movies. When you watch this movie, and you see him for the first 5 minutes, myself, I thought 'typical cab driver'. And that is the beauty. Because the entire movie in my opinion begins with a generalization. A generalization of all things, a cab driver. (film making genius if you ask me) So then we see this rather vulgar looking man perform his day to day job which entails hearing peoples problems, and for brief moments becoming a part of them. Now, like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the end of the movie showcases a person in its purest form. When the driver feels terrible about charging the girl (Julianne Moore) and the black man says: "you're a cab driver" it hit me like something beyond this world. The driver was struck with a sense of grief and emotion. That what makes his character so SO good. He tries so hard to be a good person, and learns who he is all in a day's work. Putting myself in the shoes of the driver in the movie, throughout that day, I would feel so bizarre at the end of the night. I think my mind would be full throttle and going at 100 miles a minute. And then we think about the beginning and how we figured this guy was just another lowly cabbie. Very compelling. Watch this movie. :) Cheers
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