Can I Get A Year In The Life on DVD?
6 March 2005
I remember liking this show a lot when it was on the air. It took me awhile to find the name of it because I was looking for the name through Jason Robards. I kind of remembered him as playing the father. But I finally located it through Sarah Jessica Parker. I was around 16 or 17 when it was on the air, so the details are a little vague almost 20 years later. I sort of remember the father being disappointed in one of the sons for some reason and I thought there was a little trouble between the son and his wife played by Sarah Jessica Parker. For some reason, I thought they weren't together anymore but that she was still close to the family. I do remember being disappointed that the show was canceled. I was hoping I could find this show on DVD and am upset that I can't. If anyone can help me out with this, please contact me at irishgirl1014@hotmail.com.
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