Kitchen Sink (1989)
Disturbing short horror film
2 March 2005
A woman is cleaning her kitchen sink. Just when she thinks it is spotless, she notices what appears to be a strand of hair near the drain. As she pulls on it, she realizes it is coming out of the drain...and is very long. She continues to pull for a few minutes, and as it comes out, it thickens, resembling a giant umbilical cord. Soon, a nasty and hairy fetus-like creature pops out. She disposes of the mess (by putting it into a garbage bag and throwing it into the bin!) and goes on with her day. Later, she decides that she doesn't want to throw it away. She finds that she actually might have some use for it...but then things get nasty.

This beautifully shot black and white short from New Zealand is very disturbing. I was cringing through half of it because the effects looked so real. There are only two lead characters, and their performances carry this nicely. Combining the lack of other characters with the set (one empty house) creates an effective feeling of claustrophobia. There is lots of suspense and you really don't know what to expect next. The film is very open to interpretation, but I took it as a commentary on domesticity, loneliness, and the desire for perfection.

You can find this short film on the newly released DVD "Crush," also directed by Alison Maclean.

My Rating: 8/10.
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