Simply adorable!
28 February 2005
A friend dragged me kicking and screaming to this film short screening in Los Angeles. I usually hate film shorts. I expected some 20 minutes of naval-gazing with arty camera angles. But, what I saw was a well-crafted and breezy story, some good acting, and most importantly - a funny film!

It centers on three single people who meet via speed dating. (Never heard about that before, but my American friend assured me it was a common activity in L.A.) One thing leads to another and you have three rather silly characters at odds. I would write more, but it's a short - don't want to spoil it for you. What makes it so enjoyable is the fast pace, the retro look of it and the MUSIC! Wonderful French classics with a spin. The opera singer was hysterical!

I should think it will do well in festivals. Too bad they didn't have the budget for 35mm, though. The story is larger than Super16. Too much grain.
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