Review of Aram

Aram (2002)
A personal story of a son
26 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The film just finished screening on cable TV Hot in Israel (February 26, 2005) which is in itself surprising, due to the content of the film which deals with subjects such as Armenian genocide and the assassination of Turkish secret agent in France by an Armenian freedom-fighter with the help of Kurds. With Mossad being the one behind the Turkish secret service's arrest of Abdullah Ochalan (Kurdish leader) in Europe - and with this film being shown in Israel - in itself makes an interesting statement. It is also a personal story of a man who's torn between the cause he is fighting for and his family. I must say I don't have an impartial opinion on this film because I am an Armenian, and the story relates to me in a special way. The film is certainly very well made, with cuts between two story lines, beautiful cinematography and acting. Its a rare piece of cinema, especially because not that many films are being made about the tragedy of Armenian people in Ottoman Turkey (over 1.5 million perished), with Ararat of Atom Egoyan and Mayrig by Henri Verneuil being the exceptions. I think more films should be made about this, especially if they are as good as "Aram".
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