Black Cat 2 (1992)
Return of the Black Cat
19 February 2005
Black Cat 2: The Assassination of Boris Yeltsin (1992) chronicles the further exploits of the C.I.A. assassin the Black Cat. Jade Leung reprises her role whilst Stephen Shin is also back behind the camera. Action star Robin Shou co-stars as the Black Cat's new partner. The Black Cat is wheeled into action as she has a new assignment. She has to travel to Russia and protect their new leader from a devious assassination plot. The new program inserted into the Black Cat is supposed to be new and improved. Sadly, she's just a cypher now who as no emotions and only cares about one thing, finishing her assignment. Her lack of feelings even scares Robin Shou as he tries to befriend her. Can the two protect the Russian president or will they fail miserably and leave the former Soviet country in chaos?

A passable sequel to the first film. Jade Leung is very creepy as the Black Cat. Robin Shou gets a chance to show off his skills. The movie's plot is very dated but it's an entertaining movie that doesn't fail to deliver the goods.

Recommended for fans of the first film.
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