A lesson learned.
18 February 2005
And that lesson is that if you don't expect anything, you might be positively surprised. Like I was. I really hated the idea of Anderson making this film, since he's like a studio pet to me. If the financiers want a PG-rating in order to perform better at the box office, he's the guy they call (Resident Evil, anyone?). Yet, Anderson managed to pull it off this time and I'm man enough to admit if I've been wrong. And I was wrong on this. AvP rocks.

Of course I would've preferred it if AvP had been more towards gore, like the original Predator or Aliens and Alien3, but it works the way it is. Anderson continues his trend plot outline in AvP which features a bunch of people getting in trouble in a hostile environment (Event Horizon and Resident Evil).

Most importantly, the thing that made me happy in Alien vs. Predator is that they were respectful to the original characters. The predators are as bada** as ever and the aliens are slimy and brilliant. Plus the action scenes kick a** and the effects are great enough to support them. Hooray!

**** / *****
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