15 February 2005
By chance I came across a thread concerning gore-/horror-shockers and many a IMDb-user contributed with their "favourite" movies of this genre. One of the goriest sounding films mentioned numerous times was Men Behind the Sun. True film-freak that I am, I spent some time researching for comments and reviews of this film. Finally I decided to spend $10 on a non-cut original (via Ebay) to see what the hype was about. My expectations were high, and I had developed a dislike to all the negative comments on IMDb and elsewhere, thinking that the negative reviewers just wanted to sound cool, á la - "I'm real hard and this movie bored me.." How wrong I was - the movie is terrible. Dodgy camera-work can be excused through lack of budget. Miserable acting can be excused through typical far-eastern over-acting. A film-plot with more holes in it than a slice of Swiss cheese can be excused by calling this a documentary-style film. But generally this movie is a joke. A couple of the scenes are truly wicked (in the negative sense). But they are few and far between and are totally at random, seemingly to keep the audience awake. The classic cat/rat scene is an absolute fake, don't be fooled... The only reason to watch this drivel seems to be to understand what the hype is all about. Watch "Bunman - The untold Story" for something slightly better if you must, but forget this.
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