Good Depiction of dead end life
8 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie the other night on IFC. I think this movie is meant to show you what life is like at seedy hotel like The Golden Eagle, rather then concentrate on Mic and Tommy's bid for a better life in Las Vegas.

I know first hand what these hotels are like, because in the late summer of 1987, I did a research paper for school and stayed at a place called The Imperial located at 208th and Broadway in NYC. I spent 5 nights as part of my project, and some days was never more scared in my life. There were all kinds of low life and scum that lived there. Most of the room were rented by the hour, for $18 by the owner, a dirt bag named Pablo, at least that was what he was called. He sat behind 3 inch bullet proof glass and everything cost something. There was a nice touch where Rifkin has the front desk guy at the Golden Eagle selling cigarettes for $1 per smoke. Pablo rented you the room for the hour and then charged you for the key, sheets, towels. Prostitutes that lived there or used the rooms all had to report to the pimp who stood in the lobby, who was about 6'6 , covered with tattoos, was missing an eye and carried one of those 'Crocodile' Dundee knives. I think Vinnie Jones character Rodan was tame compared to this guy. I never got his name, but I tried often to avoid this guy. The 3rd night I was there, he really smashed some John's head in.

I paid $8.25 a night for a room the 1st two nights, and $15 a night for the last 3 for a "delux room" which meant it had a bathroom in it and black & white TV. Most of the other rooms where rented out to the bums who washed windshields and managed to get $8.25. Pablo on several nights allowed anyone to sleep on a couch for $5 and could use a bathroom for $3,each time. The garbage was piled high and the place was rank. I learned from an old guy named Walt, who had lived there 10 yrs, Think of Mr. Maynard, that the place was once great in the 40s and 50s. Some of the old timers where just cursed with living too long, as their pensions and social security was not enough to sustain any sort of life.

I befriended a hooker named Isablla, who about 15, maybe 16 who crashed in my room 2 nights, then followed me home after my week was up. I sent her away with $200 and drove her to NJ. I can't say if any ex-cons or recently released cons lived among the others, several residents were minimum wage employees. Minimum wage in 1987 was $3.35 per hour. A bunch were old, some really old. There were bathrooms at the end of all halls which were the only ones on the floors accept for the 4th floor where 'delux rooms" where offered. Hardly any showers worked, and most of the toilets were over flowing.

I thought the movie moved slowly, but I think that was intentional to show the dead end life. There is nothing to do there, most residents are too afraid to venture out side and trouble is everywhere. The part with the dead body in the back alley is so true and Tommy's line "she's a hooker, no one is gonna miss er' " is true. There was one OD while I was there and another wino dead in the stairwell. The cops were nearly invisible, occasionally showing up to harass a pusher or hooker. The last night, one guy ran up the fire escape to get away from the cops and jumped from one roof to the next. Most of the windows were broken and the IRT was running all night. Remember " The Blues Brothers"? I went back 10 years later in 1998, and found that the place was now in control of the Catholic Church and was still a flop house, where bums could only stay a few nights then had to move on. The nuns kept the place as clean as can be, at least the stench was replaced by a Strong disinfectant smell. One nun told me that the building was a crack den before it was raided and then abandoned for almost a year before the church took over. Nowbody had an idea what happened to Pablo, or Walt or if Isabella ever came back.

If you want to know what life is like in cities where this can be your only housing alternative, then I recommend this movie.
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